

  • Published on
    If you haven’t been living under a rock in the past months, then chances are you’ve probably heard of the global “Blue Screen Of Death” (BSOD) incident caused by CrowdStrike. Interestingly, they've been receiving criticism for breaking one of the most commonly known rule in software development: don't deploy on Fridays. But could they have prevented one of the largest global software-induced outages if they didn't deploy on a Friday? I don't think so.
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    The first part of many(?) blog posts curating my observations and opinions of podcasts I listened to or blogs I’ve read regarding software management practices. In this blog post, I discuss using product/software requirements and when it’s appropriate to use an agile vs a non-agile approach.
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    Imagine a perfect world, where you have an unlimited amount of time to produce quality software without ever needing to cut corners and incur any technical debt. Unfortunately, such a world is unrealistic, and in most cases, you or your team will have to incur tech debt whether you like it or not. What’s important is to be pragmatic and considerate when approaching technical debt and instead of focusing on being “tech debt free forever”, we should focus on answering questions such as “when is it appropriate to avoid tech debt in favour of delivering faster?”, and “how should we prioritise tech debt in conjunction with other items on the product roadmap?”
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    I admit it, realistic time estimations and on-time delivery was something that I (and probably many of us) could never get quite right. These are some lessons I've learned to provide more accurate time estimates and ensure on-time delivery.